Friday, November 29, 2013

People of Rajasthan

Friday, November 29, 2013

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People of Rajasthan

Rajput – The Warrior Class
Brahmins – The Priest Class
Marwari and Jains – The Trader Class
Jats and Bishnois – The Pastoral Class
Muslims – The Craftsman Class

The Rajasthanis are energetic people who have tendency to enjoy every moment of life. They know how to enjoy their life better. Their life is full of happiness which is filled by the enchanting fairs and festivals that they celebrate with full zeal & cheerfulness. Generally Rajasthanis are simple.
People of Rajasthan
People of Rajasthan
They are untouched with the fast pace of modern times. These factors make Rajasthan one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. In olden days, the profession of the people decided their caste. This system has now been broken.

Today, individuals have the freedom to opt for any profession irrespective of caste. The profession based caste system has now been transformed into birth-based caste system. People of various castes and sub-castes reside in Rajasthan. According to the latest census report the population of Rajasthan is about 56.5 million.

Almost 90% of the Rajasthani people are Hindus and the rest of the population make up the minority group. This minority group consists of Muslims. Jains trades and merchants from Rajasthan constitute a significant presence. Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes are also part of the Rajasthani people.

The state is, however, dominated by the tribal people. The original inhabitants are the Bhils. They along with the Meenas forming the largest group. The lesser-known tribes like Sahariyas, Damariyas, Garasias, Lohars still form an important group.

Bhils Tribe in Rajasthan

They are largely concentrated in the area around Chittorgarh, Udaipur and Dungarpur. They consist 39% of the tribal population.

The Meenas are the second largest tribal group and the most widely spread throughout eastern Rajasthan. One can find early references of them in the Vedas and Mahabharat. Their downfall was brought by the Kachhawaha Rajputs. Most Meenas are cultivators and worship Lord Shiva.

Gadia Lohars in Rajasthan

Gadia Lohars were named after beautiful bullock carts or gadis. They were originally a martial Rajput tribe. Maharana Pratap was the leader of this group. He was ousted from Mewar by Akbar and hence the tribe kept on wandering from place to place who wandered from their homeland of Mewar. Today they earn their livelihood as blacksmiths and prefer to remain nomadic rather than resettle.

Garasias in Rajasthan

This tribe is found in the Abu Road area, South Rajasthan.